To all politicians and ministers.....


Sunday, August 31, 2008

B.P.L. week #3 and gets from bad to worse for Liverpool...

It was already bad enough that Liverpool went into their 3rd week of the 2008/2009 B.P.L. season without their inspiration skipper, Steven Gerrard and with the Man. Utd. league game just looming around the corner, they lost their superstar striker Fernando Torres in the first 15 minutes of their match against Aston Villa.

Half time : 0-0

Without the two, Liverpool looked blunt in front and their match statistic of 8 shot at goal with 0 on target will worry Rafa and the fans. How are they gonna challenge the likes of Man. Utd. and Chelsea??

With the final whistle blown Liverpool lost the chance to go to the summit of the B.P.L. but luckily Chelsea also drew their match with Spurs. Liverpool stay 2nd level points with Chelsea and separated only by goal difference...

Full time : 0-0

Joke of the day...

Bukit Bendera UMNO Chief Datuk Ahmad Ismail had allegedly called the Chinese pendatang (immigrants) and was also reported to have said that “as the Chinese were only immigrants it was impossible to achieve equal rights amongst races” during a ceramah in Permatang Pauh in Aug 25. -The Star (31.08.2008)

In light of the recent racial tension that irresponsible quarters has aroused, another brainless UMNO leader had to come up with this dumb remark.

What DSAAB had to say, he just said that Datuk Ahmad didn't mean it. So what the hell did he mean?!!

How in the world did a dumb crap brained motor mouth jackass like him became a minister...

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Most fuel efficient cars 2008

In view of the high price in retail fuel, AA1 car did a survey on most efficient car available to date. Here are the results they compiled,

For city driving (mpg) :
  1. Toyota Prius Hybrid (48)
  2. Honda Civic Hybrid (40)
  3. Nissan Altima Hybrid (35)
  4. Ford Escape and Mercury Mariner Hybrids (34)
  5. Mazda Tribute Hybrid (34)
  6. Smartfortwo (33)
  7. Toyota Camry Hybrid (33)
  8. Toyota Yaris manual transmission (29)
  9. Toyota Yaris automatic transmission (29)
  10. MINI Cooper manual transmission (28)
  11. Toyota Corolla manual transmission (28)
  12. Honda Fit manual transmission (28)
  13. Honda Fit automatic transmission (27)
  14. Scion XD manual transmission (27)
  15. Hyundai Accent automatic transmission (27)
  16. MINI Cooper automatic transmission (26)
  17. Nissan Versa manual transmission (26)
  18. Chevrolet Cobalt XFE manual transmission (25)
  19. Honda Civic automatic transmission (25)
  20. KIA Rio automatic transmission (25)
  21. Nissan Sentra automatic transmission (25)
  22. Hyundai Elantra automatic transmission (25)
  23. Ford Focus manual transmission (24)
  24. Chevrolet Aveo manual transmission (24)
  25. Honda Accord manual transmission (22)

For highway driving (mpg) :


  1. Toyota Prius Hybrid (45)
  2. Honda Civic Hybrid (45)
  3. Smartfortwo (41)
  4. MINI Cooper manual transmission (37)
  5. Toyota Corolla manual transmission (37)
  6. Toyota Yaris manual transmission (36)
  7. Chevrolet Cobalt XFE manual transmission (36)
  8. Honda Civic automatic transmission (36)
  9. Toyota Yaris automatic transmission (36)
  10. KIA Rio automatic transmission (35)
  11. Ford Focus manual transmission (35)
  12. Toyota Camry Hybrid (34)
  13. Honda Fit manual transmission (34)
  14. Honda Fit automatic transmission (34)
  15. MINI Cooper automatic transmission (34)
  16. Chevrolet Aveo manual transmission (34)
  17. Nissan Altima Hybrid (33)
  18. Scion XD manual transmission (33)
  19. Nissan Sentra automatic transmission (33)
  20. Hyundai Elantra automatic transmission (33)
  21. Hyundai Accent automatic transmission (32)
  22. Nissan Versa manual transmission (31)
  23. Honda Accord manual transmission (31)
  24. Ford Escape and Mercury Mariner Hybrids (30)
  25. Mazda Tribute Hybrid (30)
-source from

Friday, August 29, 2008

Universal Declaration of Human Rights


Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world,

Whereas disregard and contempt for human rights have resulted in barbarous acts which have outraged the conscience of mankind, and the advent of a world in which human beings shall enjoy freedom of speech and belief and freedom from fear and want has been proclaimed as the highest aspiration of the common people,

Whereas it is essential, if man is not to be compelled to have recourse, as a last resort, to rebellion against tyranny and oppression, that human rights should be protected by the rule of law,

Whereas it is essential to promote the development of friendly relations between nations, Whereas the peoples of the United Nations have in the Charter reaffirmed their faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person and in the equal rights of men and women and have determined to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom,

Whereas Member States have pledged themselves to achieve, in co-operation with the United Nations, the promotion of universal respect for and observance of human rights and fundamental freedoms,

Whereas a common understanding of these rights and freedoms is of the greatest importance for the full realization of this pledge,

Now, therefore, THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY proclaims THIS UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS as a common standard of achievement for all peoples and all nations, to the end that every individual and every organ of society, keeping this Declaration constantly in mind, shall strive by teaching and education to promote respect for these rights and freedoms and by progressive measures, national and international, to secure their universal and effective recognition and observance, both among the peoples of Member States themselves and among the peoples of territories under their jurisdiction.

Article 1.
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.

Article 2.
Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty.

Article 3.
Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.Article 4. No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms.

Article 5.
No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.

Article 6.
Everyone has the right to recognition everywhere as a person before the law.

Article 7.
All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law. All are entitled to equal protection against any discrimination in violation of this Declaration and against any incitement to such discrimination.

Article 8.
Everyone has the right to an effective remedy by the competent national tribunals for acts violating the fundamental rights granted him by the constitution or by law.

Article 9.
No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile.

Article 10.
Everyone is entitled in full equality to a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal, in the determination of his rights and obligations and of any criminal charge against him.

Article 11.
(1) Everyone charged with a penal offence has the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law in a public trial at which he has had all the guarantees necessary for his defence.
(2) No one shall be held guilty of any penal offence on account of any act or omission which did not constitute a penal offence, under national or international law, at the time when it was committed. Nor shall a heavier penalty be imposed than the one that was applicable at the time the penal offence was committed.

Article 12.
No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honour and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks.

Article 13.
(1) Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each state.
(2) Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country.

Article 14.
(1) Everyone has the right to seek and to enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution.
(2) This right may not be invoked in the case of prosecutions genuinely arising from non-political crimes or from acts contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations.

Article 15.
(1) Everyone has the right to a nationality.
(2) No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his nationality nor denied the right to change his nationality.

Article 16.
(1) Men and women of full age, without any limitation due to race, nationality or religion, have the right to marry and to found a family. They are entitled to equal rights as to marriage, during marriage and at its dissolution.
(2) Marriage shall be entered into only with the free and full consent of the intending spouses.
(3) The family is the natural and fundamental group unit of society and is entitled to protection by society and the State.

Article 17.
(1) Everyone has the right to own property alone as well as in association with others.
(2) No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his property.

Article 18.
Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.

Article 19.
Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.

Article 20.
(1) Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association.
(2) No one may be compelled to belong to an association.

Article 21.
(1) Everyone has the right to take part in the government of his country, directly or through freely chosen representatives.
(2) Everyone has the right of equal access to public service in his country.
(3) The will of the people shall be the basis of the authority of government; this will shall be expressed in periodic and genuine elections which shall be by universal and equal suffrage and shall be held by secret vote or by equivalent free voting procedures.

Article 22.
Everyone, as a member of society, has the right to social security and is entitled to realization, through national effort and international co-operation and in accordance with the organization and resources of each State, of the economic, social and cultural rights indispensable for his dignity and the free development of his personality.

Article 23.
(1) Everyone has the right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and favourable conditions of work and to protection against unemployment.
(2) Everyone, without any discrimination, has the right to equal pay for equal work.
(3) Everyone who works has the right to just and favourable remuneration ensuring for himself and his family an existence worthy of human dignity, and supplemented, if necessary, by other means of social protection.
(4) Everyone has the right to form and to join trade unions for the protection of his interests.

Article 24.
Everyone has the right to rest and leisure, including reasonable limitation of working hours and periodic holidays with pay.

Article 25.
(1) Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.
(2) Motherhood and childhood are entitled to special care and assistance. All children, whether born in or out of wedlock, shall enjoy the same social protection.

Article 26.
(1) Everyone has the right to education. Education shall be free, at least in the elementary and fundamental stages. Elementary education shall be compulsory. Technical and professional education shall be made generally available and higher education shall be equally accessible to all on the basis of merit.
(2) Education shall be directed to the full development of the human personality and to the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. It shall promote understanding, tolerance and friendship among all nations, racial or religious groups, and shall further the activities of the United Nations for the maintenance of peace.
(3) Parents have a prior right to choose the kind of education that shall be given to their children.

Article 27.
(1) Everyone has the right freely to participate in the cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts and to share in scientific advancement and its benefits.
(2) Everyone has the right to the protection of the moral and material interests resulting from any scientific, literary or artistic production of which he is the author.

Article 28.
Everyone is entitled to a social and international order in which the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration can be fully realized.

Article 29.
(1) Everyone has duties to the community in which alone the free and full development of his personality is possible.
(2) In the exercise of his rights and freedoms, everyone shall be subject only to such limitations as are determined by law solely for the purpose of securing due recognition and respect for the rights and freedoms of others and of meeting the just requirements of morality, public order and the general welfare in a democratic society.
(3) These rights and freedoms may in no case be exercised contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations.

Article 30.
Nothing in this Declaration may be interpreted as implying for any State, group or person any right to engage in any activity or to perform any act aimed at the destruction of any of the rights and freedoms set forth herein.

Anwar Ibrahim’s radioactive cult of personality...

After Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim was sworn in this morning as MP for Permatang Pauh and immediately assumed the position of Parliament Opposition Leader, a depressing scenario may have confronted the Barisan Nasional MPs, Government and backbenchers alike, especially the ones with immense loathing molded on their faces the moment Anwar comfortably eased himself into the custodial seat reserved for an elected representative like him: how do you contain a radioactive moving target?

If there was anything that the BN learnt in the 10 years they tried to handle, check, curb, neutralise and combat Anwar is that absolutely nothing – no penal code and no media attacks – can contain him. Detain him and jail him, yes but containing his ideas, his influence, his reach and his seductive charisma are beyond the failed conventional containment tactics (general election, by-election, TV debate, mass media et al). Even unconventional tactics sputtered, if you add in the sordid mix a convicted power abuse charge, a convicted sodomy charge and a pending but tenuous sodomy charge.

Anwar engages attacks of all persuasions like a “nuclear demon”, absorbing the battering with sly counter-tactics of his own while growing stronger by each defensive maneuvre. The way he has slickly and aggressively operated, the BN could have dropped a political nuclear bomb with enough yield to destroy or at least debilitate most powerful overlords (think Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah) and yet Anwar scraped through, emerging like the Terminator emerges from a lethal crossfire, bruised, bloodied and savaged perhaps but intact, never annihilated and more determined.

If anything, the attacks against him and the perceived setbacks that threatened to scuttle his homecoming today served as “nuclear fuel” that boosted his “irradiating radioactiveness”. Anwar’s millions of supplicants will ensure that he transcends beyond mere politics – he has constructed for himself a newfangled cult of personality even the mullahs of Pas would kill to emulate.

Following the BN’s general election debacle and the Permatang Pauh by-election that had odds stacked against them, there appears to be little the coalition could envisioned to accost Anwar’s warring juggernaut towards that Malaysian political nirvana – the Prime Minister’s Office in Putrajaya. Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad is the closest foe that could have taken on Anwar on a hand-to-hand political combat but the ex-PM is a fading spirit even if his acidic blog musters massive devoted fans and antagonising critiques are spot on.

So, the dynamics inside the House’s political divide have verily transformed, even if the BN-Pakatan Rakyat balance of power still stands at 140–82. What does Anwar bring to shift the dynamics? For starters, that Sept 16 Malaysia Day date, predestined (hyped beyond belief by Anwar’s spinmeistering is more like it) as the moment the PKR supremo takes over the Federal Government, assuming that he has secured adequate BN MPs to defect to the PR and all BN’s efforts to dissuade the desertion have troublingly failed.

The Sept 16 pre-destiny also works on the tactic of “danger by proximity” – the fact that Anwar is a whisper away from these shifty Sabah MPs adds a toxic value to BN’s ability to preserve the House political equation. While in the past Anwar had to travel all the way to Kota Kinabalu or where he could hold private consultations, now he can simply invite them to his Opposition Leader’s office in Parliament for tea and muffins during breaks and work his charm offensive.

If ever Anwar’s charm offensive works, then he would certainly resuscitate the niggling vote of no-confidence against the Prime Minister after the motion presented by his wife and erstwhile Opposition Leader Datin Seri Dr Wan Azizah Ismail on June 23 was stopped in its tracks by the Speaker. This time though, a fresh motion of similar disruption may conjure better leverage that would seek to embarrass the BN Government and assuage their credibility before the alleged mass defection ensues.

But for now, these are all speculative drivel, political mindgames for the bored and idle, and a guessing game befitting a poker session that Anwar has nonchalantly called and raised. Is he upping the ante with a potent hand or might it be that he, like any good poker player, is "bluffing"? Nonetheless, it is a bluff that the Abdullah Administration is furiously trying to neutralise, though the bookies have likely placed favourable odds on Anwar. But does it mean that the BN simply falter and allow the defections to topple their 51-year invincibility? Hardly. There are powerful constitutional options that could be deployed although it carries a certain risk but may yet be functional for the coalition to survive Anwar’s brutal assault.

Even if we are able to dismiss all these conjecture as aggrandising junk, Anwar in the Lower House is still a feisty and frisky prospect. Let’s not ignore his fundamental House responsibility – represent his constituency, debate new laws and keep the Government honest with pointed questions and even pointed remarks on any credulous issue of the day.

In his triumphant homecoming just now after serving a 10-year sentence in the desolation of bewildering mass of a political outcast, Anwar Ibrahim was sworn-in as the MP for Permatang Pauh before the Speaker Tan Sri Pandikar Amin Mulia at exactly 10.05am to the cheering crescendos of his Opposition colleagues and family, and a ghostly representation of the Government, represented by Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz, Datuk Zaid Ibrahim and Datuk Mustapa Mohamed and a half-full complement of backbenchers. The oath taking didn’t make it on live TV, the excuse being that coverage was only for the question and answer session. Anwar has gotten use to that.

Ten minutes later outside the House, with the media horde clambering for position to record his initial utterances of erudition and enlightenment, it could be adduced that the burden of pariahdom has levitated from Anwar and in its place, a pervasive sense of vindication. "I was touched and vindicated coming back to Parliament after 10 years. After all that I had gone through in that time, now it feels good to be back. It is my right,” he said so with feeling.

Then, around noon, he blasted away the calibre of showmanship and articulation that he was accustomed to in dealing with plebeians in the BN backbenchers’ ranks, sounding off briefly in the debate on the disputatious DNA Identification Bill. Dr Siti Mariah Mahmud (PAS-Kota Raja) was arguing passionately on why the DNA Identification Bill should be gutted on the account that the Bar Council had grave reservations over the proposed law when BN perennial slugger, Datuk Tajuddin Abdul Rahman (BN-Pasir Salak), interrupted and demanded Siti Mariah to pronounce whether the Bar Council was a credible body to cast doubts on the Bill.

Wait for it comes...Anwar cooly stood up, perhaps remembering how this moment, no matter how impossible and how incredible, had played in his mind for countless of times during his definition of the persecuted decade. In his sonorous and quick tenor, he cut in: “Doesn’t Yang Berhormat agree with me that the one with no credibility is the corruption-ridden Government? This is the Government which tabled a Bill last Monday, giving no opportunity to MPs, including those of friends from the other side, to study it, and presented it with malicious intention. This is a Bill opposed by both the Bar Council and non-Governmental groups. The Opposition would support any Bill that would benefit the people. But we are against the method employed by the Government to push this Bill through without taking heed of the public's voice.”

Any longer than those breathless sentences he expertly uttered and somebody might swoon and faint in the House but Anwar would have enjoyed this little stretch of time for himself, even if he was aware that the proposed Bill was grated by the Opposition as being "politically motivated" to meet his scheduled sodomy trial. Soon after, and perhaps to impress Anwar with their oratorical proficiency, Dr Hatta Ramli (Pas-Kuala Krai), Lim Kit Siang (DAP-Ipoh Timor) and Dr Lo' Lo' Ghazali (PAS-Titiwangsa) jumped into the cacophonic circus with the defiant Tajuddin.

And what was Anwar state of mind when he observed the exchange of candour? Amused and probably feeling that he has finally come home to rule and his foes would have to come to the horrific terms that one day in the near future, he just might sit on the opposite end of the current seating structure. -Azmi Anshar (New Straits Times 29.08.2008)

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Smarting up after some good spanking and ass whooping...

It took 6 months after the 'political tsunami' March 8 general election and a landslide victory in the recent Permatang Pauh by-election that has awoken some quarters in UMNO that changes and improvements needs to be done.

It's now buck up or be shipped out on Pakatan Rakyat's ship for UMNO and BN coalition party leaders...SHEESH!!! Talk about slow learners...

"The people of Malaysia demand leadership that can be trusted to unite us, to restore confidence in our institutions, and to forge a clear national direction." said veteran politician Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah and has also called for a renewal in the leadership of UMNO.

"We have a credibility problem now due to the weak leadership. If we still continue with our good old ways, we will be defeated again." said Datuk Mukhriz Mahathir who is MP for Jerlun. He also said changes in UMNO's top leadership should take place now.

In Muar, several Umno branch leaders represented by Datuk Kadar Shah Tun Sulaiman Ninam Shah said Umno leaders should realise by now that the Malays, including those in Permatang Pauh, had lost confidence in Umno's leadership.

He said they should accept the fact that they needed to adopt a more realistic approach if they wanted to regain the confidence of the Malays.

He said that one major reason for Barisan's loss was the swearing on the Quran by both Saiful Bukhari Azlan and Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.

He said Umno leaders should not allow the use of the Quran to resolve personal matters or to prove one's innocence. “We are sad that the Quran has been used as a means to resolve personal and political matters.

And in Kuala Terengganu, Menteri Besar Datuk Ahmad Said said the Barisan election had failed to do its 'homework' and was ill prepared. Even more shocking to him was seeing the in-fighting
among UMNO members who were interested in vying for party posts during the crucial periods instead of working together.

With these new comments and thoughts by UMNO disidents must be choking for DSAAB. I'm sure he knows himself that his time is near. Come budget day, it's gonna be a very solemn looking DSAAB attending. For once think I'll make time and watch the budget live so as not to miss the facial expression...hahaha!!!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

I swear, you swear...

It does seem like the race for who swears first is still on.

Most recent, Perak UMNO Liaison Chief Datuk Seri Tajol Rosli Ghazali just entered the swearing race by uttering "Wallahi", "Wabillahi", "Watallahi", that he was not involved in the arrest of Jamaluddin Mohd Radzi and Mohd Osman Mohd Jaihi by the ACA.

So nowadays swearing seems to be the 'in' thing to do. Suspected ministers and being challenged to swear on this and on that. When is all this despicable act going to stop??? What is happening to this ministers anyway. Have they run out of lame statements that they now resort to swearing left and right.

It's an embarrassment to hear our ministers reduced to such shameful tactics of swearing just to justify themselves. Whether guilty or not, they should leave it to our courts to decide through proper judicial laws based on solid evidence.

The Muslim ministers of all people should stop making a mockery of our judicial system and respect the Islam religion by stopping all this swearing crap!!!

Joke of the day...

"Barisan Nasional (BN) leaders are not into 'big talk' because they are always busy serving for the betterment of the people." -Sarawak Chief Minister Pehin Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud (Borneo Post 26.08.2008)

"Busy serving for the betterment of the people", err...hello...?? If BN did such a great job I don't think their representatives would have gotten their asses whooped so convincingly in the last state election.

"This is the first time in our politics that we see a new brand of politics which tries to be very populist, with a lot of talk but performance is probably waiting for test. The people should realise that big talk is part of politics but in the case of BN, the big talk is in the background because they are so busy performing." -Sarawak Chief Minister Pehin Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud (Borneo Post 26.08.2008)


Funniest statement so far. "New brand of politics which tries to bo very populist with lotsof talk", hell, isn't that politicians at their best.

"In the case of BN, the big talk is in the background because they are so busy performing". He is actually right I must say. BN is always hard at work in the background, doing what you might ask...chiak lui la...what else!!! That is why we can't see what goes on in the background cause we've got no transparency in our government and what we can see in the fore ground is no development or betterment. That's why BN lost the Kuching constituency with eggs in their face along with some old school, big momma style SPANKING!!!

Tell me which politicians can keep their trap from over shooting and say something ignorantly funny and stupid. With the kind of statement uttered as above, I think I can rest my case.

He then urged the people of Permatang Pauh to know the type of leader they want - between a person who merely talks and one who really works for them. Eh??? Mana cari ah (Where to find)???

During the leadership of Tun Dr. Mahathir, we could see progress and leaders actually have to lift at least one if not two fingers and work for the Rakyat. Now under DSAAB, the minister and leaders that we're getting are the ones who talk just as much or maybe more crap and definately doesn't work at all. Well, they don't have to anymore la cause they just lost all their Kuching seats in the last state election.....Hahaha!!!

p/s : To the editor of Borneo Post - You can actually save paper and our priceless rainforest by stopping the publishing of the comic pages. The comments from our ministers whether BN or opposition are hillarious enough already. Thanks.....

Saturday, August 23, 2008

B.P.L. week #2 and Stevie G does it again!!!

Liverpool's 2nd game of the 2008/2009 B.P.L. season kicked off at 10pm Malaysian time.

The match started of pretty much the same as the 1st match against Sunderland with Liverpool having most of the possesion but lacked the final third quality. Torres and Keane showed glimpses of understanding but new partnerships will take time to gel. Credit to Middlesbrough though for making it hard for Liverpool.

1st half : Liverpool 0-0 Middlesbrough

The 2nd half started no different from the 1st with the resolute Middlesbrough defense frustrating the waves of Liverpool attack time and time again.
Then Gareth Southgate threw on Mido and his confidence in the Egyptian striker paid of as he scores his second goal in 2 games and a beauty it was. Low, hard grounder into Reina's bottom left hand corner.
Middlesbrough continued to defend well against the Liverpool attacks that were now relentless as they search for the equalizer. On came Babel but to no avail as he was quiet and was scarcely seen. Benitez then put on Morroccan winger El-Zhar but also to not much effect.
As time ticked away a 1st defeat for Liverpool, worst as it would be a home defeat seems certain on the cards.
Then in the 88th minute an advantage play from referee Mike Riley for a handball by Middlesbrough led to Jamie Carragher to have a pop at the right side tip of the box which took a wicked deflection of Pogatetz and beat the Boro's keeper and ended up in the net. Jamie's 1st league goal for Liverpool in 8 years and what a time to break the duck.
Liverpool spurred by the equalizer went on in search for the winner. A draw seems inevitable as the clock shows only a minute left of injury time. Then Alonso whipped in a cross, Robbie Keane chested it down and on the edge of the box on hand was Stevie G, who let fly a bullet into the left hand corner of Boro's goal. Liverpool scores at the death.
The final whistle goes and Liverpool wins!!!
Cruel defeat for Boro as Liverpool practically snatch the game from under their nose in the last 6 minutes of the match. It was the first back to back win for Liverpool in the first 2 games of a league season under Rafa.


The Majestic Steven Gerrard

Joke of the day...

"Reduction in fuel prices to help ease the people's burden." - DSAAB (The Star 23.08.2008)

Today, Saturday 23rd August 2008, the government has lowered the retail of fuel prices.

The new prices are :-

RON97 petrol - RM2.55 per litre (15 sen reduction)
RON92 petrol - RM2.40 per litre (22 sen reduction)
Diesel fuel - RM2.50 per litre (8 sen reduction)

Timely move by DSAAB to lower the fuel price just before the coming Permatang Pauh by-election and the 2009 Budget announcement day. A very desperate looking measure taken by our PM it does seem. Sad for him cause think it's all a little too late.

How does he expect a 8 sen to 22 sen reduction will ease the burden of the Rakyat when the increase previously was close to 80 sen. He must have scored pretty badly in Mathematics back in school.

The previous drastic fuel hike has also sparked an increased in the price of goods and services. Since the prices has already gone up, the traders, manufacturers and business owners isn't going to lower their price now despite the fuel reduction since the profit margin now will be better. The whiplash from the previous fuel hike has already taken its effect. He must have scored even worst for Economics.....FOOL!!!

A very solemn and unusually quiet lead up to the 51st National Day...

Come this 31st August 2008, Malaysia will celebrate its 51st year as an independent nation.

Malaysia has come a long way from the days under the British colony and Japanese occupation to a peaceful and harmonious multi-racial nation that's rich in culture and heritage. Many achievements in this country has made many Malaysians proud like the Penang Bridge which once was one of the longest in the world, the Petronas Twin Towers, Malaysians conquering the Everest and North Pole, Lee Chong Wei in badminton Olympics, Nicol Ann David in being the world number one women's player in squash, the Malaysian men's and women's bowling team and, ok la, chin chai la, the Malaysian who managed to hitch a ride to the international space station. Over 50 years many more were achieved that I may have not mentioned and I do apologise for it. My gratitude and appreciationgoes out to those that were involved in making history for Malaysia and making us proud to be Malaysians.

Previous National Day celebrations in Malaysia was always celebrated with a lot of enthusiasm. Preparations for the day's events, parades, national and state level bash was the norm and can be seen and felt as early as the first week of August. The public were not left out and did their part as well by decorating their vehicles, homes, buildings with the Jalur Gemilang. 50 years of colourful, great and unforgetable National Day memories!!!

So what happened to the very next year after we celebrated our half century independence??!!!

Our natin has been plagued and the Rakyat feels the effect of the weak and useless DSAAB's leadership along with his crap hole loving DSNTR, DSAI Sodomy Part II, ISA dissapearing magic tricks, ACA inefficiency, Polis Raja Di Malaysia's incompetency, ministers doing the Paris Hilton videos, a very questionable justice system, UiTM students demonstrating to the whole that they can't handle a 10% increase in competitiveness, racial tensions and slurs, very high crime rates and inflation, Altantuya's murder and the demise to freedom of speech and expression with the arrest of Malaysian Today's blog editor Raja Petra, is what happened to Malaysia. Not the ideal present to give to our mother land now is it.....

Evident that the Merdeka mood has gone is vehicles decorated to the roof with little Jalur Gemilangs are missing, you don't hear anymore of the patriotic artist Sudirman's songs, petrol stations especially Petronas not giving out any free flags, street lamp post looks naked now as come Merdeka Day it is usually decorated with the Malaysian flag and even Astro has not bothered to remind and wish us happy National Day in between programmes. Sad isn't it what has happened to this day of importance to our nation.....

There is even a blogger who suggested we hang the country's flag upside down to show our dissatisfaction towards the government. Good idea but our near 'dictatorship' government has issued warning that all those caught committing this act of so said treason shall and will be subjected to swearing on the Quran and refusal to do so shall result in ISA sponsored one way dissappearing trip or death by C4 explosives courtesy of Najis.....Hahaha!!!

Can the Malaysian public be blamed for such action and lack of patriotism?? I definately think not. We are going through the dark ages now and missing the Malaysia Boleh Spirit is just natural caused by the present government. They are the ones that should be condemned for diminishing the patriotism in us. I just hope that nothing untowardly will happen on Merdeka Day and we all can enjoy a safe, peaceful holiday albeit feeling a little empty and meaningless on that day.

I pity the children having to grow up now in this pitiful excuse of a government and nation leaders that I hope the kids won't take as their role models. Hope and pray that one day soon they will be able to experience the true Malaysian Merdeka Day spirit.....

Anyhoo...I would like to wish everyone and of course, the beloved Boleh land, a safe and happy Happy Hari Merdeka! Merdeka!! Merdeka!!!

Joke of the day...

"So the burden from Mohd. Saiful's oath will not only be carried by him, but also by his entire generations." said Deputy UMNO Youth Chief Khairy Jamaluddin. He explained that swearing on the Quran should not be questioned as it was a 'sumpah laknat' (swearing in the face of divine retribution). He said those who take this oath would have their generations cursed if they lied.

The comments from our ministers lately has gone from funny to a bloody joke and now to an all time low of full of crap, sad and lame. No wonder Malaysia under the present government is going ever so backwards by the day. Come on la Chief...cursed??? This is now a modern day and age society and you're still talking about LAME!!!

Anyways how would we know if Saiful really had the Quran in his hands and not just a book with the cover of the holy Quran with hundreds of blank pages in it. Even if it was the Quran and he lied while swearing on it, somehow I believe he must be getting paid to do it. Probably millions of Ringgit and why not, what is a few milion Ringgit compared to being in control of Malaysia's national funds of billions of Ringgit. I wonder how cursed a man, his family and his future generation's lives are with millions of Ringgit compared to the many lives of Malaysian who are underprivilleged???

By making this statement does he also mean that if you dare to swear on the Quran then you shouldn't be questioned. If that is the case then why do we need to spend so much of our taxpayer's money to pay those grossly high salaries of judges and building or rennovating courthouses. Just have the accusser or the accussed to swear on the Quran. Imagine how much time and money our country would save!!! Maybe the available funds relieved can be used to subsidised more on fuel. Now wouldn't that be better...

Rule of a thumb boys and girls, just bring along a Quran when you have any law breaking intentions and deny any wrong doings by just swearing on it if you are caught!!!


p/s : No insults and disrespect intended to the Islam religion and Muslim friends. Just can't tahan a minister talking crap and making light of the issue on Quran swearing...

Friday, August 22, 2008

Crimes rampant in Kuching on Saturday nights...

As the weekend comes, I am sure most of us after a long week of work, stress and pressure would just like to spend some time with the family by going out for dinner or meet up with some friends for a drink or two just to unwind and relax.

Nowadays though, that might be the last thing you'd wanna do. Might be smarter and safer just to stay home and watch the Premier League or the Olympics on Astro as crime rate has been on a high lately in Kuching especially on Saturday nights.

'Hungry Ghost Month' ba so maybe it brings out the 'Hantu' in some people. Here is a recap of what happen last Saturday night.....

Around 9.30pm in Matang, a youth along with a few friends smash up a stall selling 'ayam panggang' for no apparent reason. The poor 'ayam panggang' seller was shocked at the attack on his stall as he did not owe money and had no prior misunderstandings with the trouble making youth. But the youth I'm sure didn't expect the other hawkers around the area to gang up and nab him. The youth's other friends upon seeing this fled and the youth got what he deserved, a beating of his life. To the hawkers, well done!!! Hope you guys did bashed him up real good.....Cheers!!!

Around about the same time in front of a row of shophouses at Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman, a man along with his girlfriend was robbed at knife point. The man lost his gold necklace, wallet and handphone to the theives. The victim and his girlfriend should consider themselves lucky as they were not harmed.

Later at around 10pm around Hilton Hotel, four men brandishing a machete forced a tourist from Perak to hand over his digital camera and other valuables. The victim tried to put up a fight and seeing an attempt to slash him, the victim leaped off the 30 feet incline in front of the hotel's multi-storey carpark and landed on the ground below. Security guards from the hotel upon hearing the commotion rushed to the victim's aid prompting the robbers to flee the scene. Slightly hurt and dazed from the leap, the victim managed still to walk on his own into the police station to lodge his report.

At 1.30am somewhere around the vicinity of Bukit Mata Kuching, a manager of a nightspot was seriously injured when he was bashed up with motorcycle helmets by a group of more than ten youths after he had tried to reprimand them for drinking without paying. I always thought that non-paying customers are the ones courting trouble and not the other way around. Even with the arrival of the Police MPV unit, the youth still didn't stop and continued to bash the manager. Only till one police officer had no choice and had to discharge a shot into the air that the youths stopped, all except for one. As the rest of his friends made their escape the oblivious one still continued his attack on the manager and was subdued and taken into custody by the police.

The last reported crime spree for the night happened at 2.45am at the 3rd Mile Central Park area. Four friends who just exited a nightspot encountered 'a lot' of men armed with various offensive weapons. As the group of men started to charge at them, the four friends quickly got into their vehicle. Upon trying to flee the on coming attackers, their vehicle knocked into a Perodua Kancil as they were reversing out of the parking area. As the vehicle was damaged in their attempted escape, they decide to flee on foot. Luckily the all the four friends managed to escape unscathed but unfortunately not for their vehicle. As they group of men seeing that they could not catch up anymore, they decided to vent their anger on the poor Inokom Atos. The four friends proceeded to lodge a report at the Simpang Tiga police station and claimed that they did not know the attackers or the motive behind the attack.....

All this happened between 9.30pm to 2.45am and these were only the ones that were reported. What about those that weren't. Who knows the exact number of crime cases that occured during that one night alone or past Saturday nights.

With the spike in crime in the city, what measures are the authorities taking to ensure the safety of the locals and tourists?!!

I'm sure they are doing all they can but maybe it's time for the public to contribute as well. Next time you encounter a crime in progress please don't just turn your backs, make an effort to call the relevant authorities. If we act fast enough the authorities might arrive on the scene faster and catch these good for nothing, low life scums!!!

Joke of the day...

"That is the ACA's intelligence. Surely they cannot just watch someone commiting a crime and do nothing. Because they know a crime has been commited, they act." -DSAAB in The Star 21.08.2008

Our PM is quite the comic it must be said.

"ACA's intelligence".....Hahaha!!!

"Because they know a crime has been commited, they act" and that they do especially when it's the opposition coalition members but when the BN coalition members are involved, the ACA acts too, they just act DUMB!!!

Well actually they don't have to act dumb cause they are...Hehehe...BODOH!!!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Gotta wait another 4 years...

Malaysia's dream of the 1st ever Olympic gold medal ended last night with the defeat of Lee Chong Wei in the men's singles badminton final to world no. 1 Lin Dan 12-21 and 8-21.

From the start Lin Dan just over powered Lee and left the poor Malaysian shell shocked. It was going to be hard to beat 'Super' Dan on his home ground and with the voicerous full house partizan fans support, it made it all the even harder.

Credit should be given to Chong Wei though for making all the way to the finals and maybe not today but I'm sure he'll continue to bring glory to Malaysia in future.


Saturday, August 16, 2008

B.P.L. week #1 and Torres is the MAN!!!

B.P.L. is back...Woohoo!!!

First match of this 2008/2009 season was between Arsenal and promoted WBA. The Gunners look as if they brought blanks to fire at WBA. So much posession and flare as usual but Arsenal only came away with all 3 points through their debutant Nasri in the 4th minute.


Middlesbrough started their campaign playing at home against Tottenham Hotspurs. Match started of with both side looking very cautious and it continued till the 2nd half when Dimitar Berbatov came in for Spurs. He really made the difference to the game. It opened up and more chances came for both teams. Deadlock was broken in the 71st minute by Jason Wheater followed up by ex-Spurs player Mido who came in so Alfonso Alves in the 83rd and scored in the 86th minute. Robert Huth had an own goal to help Spurs to score in the 90+1 minute but it was all a little to late for Tottenham. First openning match win for Middlesbrough in 8 years. Sorry Des...hehe!!!


And now for the match that I've been staying up the whole night for Sunderland vs LIVERPOOL!!! Kick off is later at 12.30am then its usual 12.15am but to watch Liverpool live is always worth the wait.

It's now 12.30am and kick off!!!

Match started with the home side settling into the game fast. Hyypia and the whole Liverpool team looked kind of jaded. No fluency at all in their passing and movement. Maybe it is only the first game of the season. 1st half has flown by with both teams not doing much but I would say the home side looked the more comfortable of the two. Keane and Torres were extemely quiet and the understanding was obviously not there yet. Sure hope Liverpool will pick up their game in the 2nd half...Come on you REDS!!!

2nd half and Liverpool came off the blocks with their guns blazing. Through they had much of the possession but the defensive play of Sunderland was just hard to break down though Alonso made some Sunderland heart especially their keeper Craig Gordon, skip a beat with an audacious lob from way inside Liverpool's half only too miss inches wide. It sent Gordon scrambling back and I can't imagine the relief of the keeper to see it go out and save him the embarrassment. Chances were limited as Sunderland continued to pack the midfield and defence. All looked destined for a draw as the minutes ticked away. Then come of the hour, come of the man and who else but Fernando Torres. A quick pass from Alonso and Torres with superb control, a quick turn to create half a yard from the defender and without hesistation he let fly a low shot into the bottom right corner of Craig Gordon's goal and LIVERPOOL WINS!!!


Possible history in the making for Malaysia!!!

Tomorrow, 17th of April 2008 at about 6.30pm, put a reminder on your calenders and mark it well as we might be honoured to witness hopefully history in the making for Malaysia as Lee Chong Wei takes to the badminton courts in Beijing for the men's singles final. Only hosts China's home and Olympic favourite Lin Dan is left standing in Chong Wei's way to immortalising his name in Malaysian sports history and a possibility of winning Malaysia's first ever GOLD medal!!!

After all Chong Wei's sacrifices, sweat and tears he has made it to the finals. Goes to show that with lots of hard work, discipline, determination, focus, passion and then and only then you'll be rewarded with success.

Credit should also be given to all those involved with the Malaysian contigent and especially national singles coach, Misbun Sidek. All the hard work and attention has prepared and has guided his charge all the way to the finals.

I'm sure tomorrow evening most if not all of Malaysia will pause and lend their support to Lee Chong Wei in his quest to bring home the nation's first Olympic gold medal.

We would like to wish all the best and lots of luck to Lee Chong Wei and Misbun Sidek in their quest to make all Malaysians proud, to revive the spirit of 'MALAYSIA BOLEH!!!' and end our long awaited first OLYMPIC GOLD!!!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Dato Seri Dr. James Masing (Borneo Post 15.08.2008)

"A Pakatan government will fail"

How does he know that the Pakatan government will fail??

Is he having a bad case of self denial that he still believes the present government under the BN coalition led by DSAAB is a success??!!

Only thing the present government has been successful at is reducing the confidence of the Rakyat in them and the system, increasing the burden on the Rakyats by increasing retail fuel price which in turn causes price of goods and services to increase, increasing our inflation rate, making a joke out of our judicial system, corruption rate is at its worst, murder and sex scandals involving ministers, high crime rate, a good for nthing ACA that can't even find a flag pole from a stack of needles, racial unrest, the Anwar Sodomy II charges and vanishing key witnesses. So if that's the yard stick nowadays to measure a successful administration then...Hell yeah...Congratulations to DSAAB and cronies!!!

"Anwar is only 61, what is another 5 years. He can seek the mandate of the people during the next general election. That is the proper thing to do."

So does he actually want the Rakyat to continue our hardship and suffering because it is the right thing to do!!! What about the rights of the Rakyat for a better life that the ministers pledge to fight for when taking office?? Doesn't democracy ensures that when the Rakyat is not satisfied with the present governance that they may choose to elect a new one even before the next general election?? The first term under the DSAAB has brought nothing but dissatisfaction and unrest among the Rakyat and he still want us to wait for another 5 years...he must be joking!!! Think the people's mandate has been clear since our own previous state election. The Rakyat now are much more intelligent so please stop taking us for a fool!!!

"Any coalition members who hopped over to the opposition side of Parliament would be committing a betrayal of trust."

Ministers who do not hop over actually are the ones that are committing the betrayal of trust. Betrayal to themselves when they feel under DSAAB's leadership the country is deteriorating but they still choose to do nothing about it and betrayal to the very people that have voted and placed their trust in the ministers to fight and care for the rights, welfare and well being of the country and the Rakyat.

Its been said that those who hopped over are because they were 'promised' benefits. How can this be as when they hop over they are still the opposition and not the government yet. As far as I know only the ruling coalition which are the government has access to this country's resources and not the opposition coalition. So what sweeteners can they give but their 'promises'. I am sure the seasoned politicians know more about promises and how much they are worth in politics.

Statements like this just shows that most ministers now holding posts in the government just do not want to do anything and challenge the weak leadership of DSAAB so to guarantee their high paying job albeit just for another 5 more years...As he said it best,
"It's the right thing to do."

Entourage of our tax paying money...

I was having dinner on the 12th of August 2008 some time around 7.20pm at a kopitiam along Jalan Song Thian Cheok. It was the usual quiet, peaceful nothing happening evening in Kuching. My friends and I were having some light chatter while waiting for our food to come until we were rudely interrupted by flashing blue lights, sirens blaring and an even bloody rude sounding voice saying "Ke tepi, ke tepi" screaming over the bull horn.

Then came more flashing lights on motorbikes and the riders trying the damnest to look as cool as those actors in 'Chips' followed by a couple of Proton Perdanas. Right behind them following closely was a feast for us commoner's eyes, a fleet of very new gleaming showroom shine Mercedes and BMWs. Bringing up the rear was an ambulance, a few more motorbikes and coming in last was another proton Perdana. What a parade!!!

Occassion...well, we were honoured by a visit from DSAAB and DSNTR. Guess they needed a break from working so hard at making the life, a bitch for us Rakyats. And what better place to come to then a very pro-BN state of Sarawak. They are safe here than any other states in Malaysia now. With next year's budget coming up it's no wonder why they came. Best place to weather the storm and bombardment of criticism and questions that they just wanna avoid having to answer. Attending a dinner was also a big plus...

Anyway, the issue here isn't about those two goons but our state government. The motor parade wasn't bad at all. Saw a few new Mercedes and BMW models. So dear 'Pek Mo', how much did our hard earned tax paying money was wasted purchasing fuel and new vehicle just to ferry those sorry excuse for a minister up and down town?? What's gonna happen to those vehicle used just for this visit?? Is the state government gonna keep it as their fleet and maintain it with more of our state's funds or just lelong it off cheaply to interested ministers or their family members so they can add on to their garage collection?? If so then where does all the money from the sales go??

Funny thing is most of us during our lifetime might not even have the opportunity to own one of those luxury cars but we are the ones buying and paying for it so the fat asses of the very people we believed in and voted for to put them in office, then have them stab us in the back and lied to us on their pre-election promises, can have a comfortable superstar worthy ride to their functions.

This brings me back to my previous writting about Terengganu and their Exco members acquiring new fleet of Mercedes to use. They were prohibited and only allowed to use Proton Perdanas as their official cars. The acquirred Mercedes cars are to be kept and only used for foreign dignitaries. It was a directive issued by the federal government. So it should be the same for Sarawak too isn't it?!! So what does this prove, double standard, Sarawak has better privilleges or DSAAB and DSNTR are foreign dignitaries. How we Sarawakians wish for all three to be true...

Speaking at their function dinner, DSAAB thanked Sarawak and its people for voting for BN in the recent general election. He also express his gratitude that for all the little things BN has done for us we still voted for them. By george, for once I have to say he is RIGHT!!!

He is damn right that the government or BN coalition has done LITTLE for Sarawak and he should be grateful that it is the Sarawak polls that kept them as the ruling party but he still forgot to thank us about one thing...the joy ride in the nice new luxurious vehicles that we paid for...Bugger!!!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Warning and possible suspension to Catholic newsletter...

The Star newspaper on the 13th of August 2008 publish an article - Catholic newsletter warned to stay of politics. Think the editor should have just omitted the word 'newsletter'...

I'm not a Catholic myself nor a Muslim so I am writting this free of any bias-ness or prejudices.

I just can't figure out how come every time any other religion touches on any current issues it is deemed to be politically motivated and a threat to the harmony of the nation. Disregard the warning and ISA will be knocking down your front door.

An official from the Home Ministry said in the newspaper report that Herald, a catholic newsletter, wanted to publish a topic on the coming Permatang Pauh by-election. It is made to understand that any editorial on the current affairs and politics made by any religious newsletter will lead to a formal warning or a suspension for breach of the conditions of the permit. Funny thing but aren't current issues and affairs may it be public or government ARE called news!!! Why don't the ministry change the word 'newsletter' to 'history letter' or is it a fact that after
other race and religion based buletin are somply not allowed to publish anything current or political?!!!

From my understanding, the said paper to be publish article content is the Catholic's call to pray for a fair and transparent by-election. What does this imply now, the Christians are not allowed to ask fellow Christians to pray as rightfully commented by Herald editor Father Lawrence Andrew or is it the fact that the coming Permatang Pauh by-election ain't gonna be fair???

But I do agree with the government's call to stop toying with race and religion issues. This country has prospered today because of the effort by all the Malaysian society and not because of any 1 race or religion in particular. Having said that, then what about PAS? Their party manifesto has always been their hudud and syariah law implementation in Malaysia. Isn't that now bringing a lot of Islam into politics?!! Why till now they aren't suspended?? Is it cause they are a political party so they are allowed to or cause they are an Islam based party???

Where has all the common sense and fairness gone in the government of Malaysia or is it to lead and rule this country all the qualities you need is greed and stupidity!!!!!

The government keeps on bitching about keeping race and religion out of politics but they in turn should keep politics out race and religion too!!!

Friday, August 8, 2008

Malaysian blogger arrested - What happened to freedom of speech and expression!!!

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia - Malaysian authorities have arrested a political blogger for possible sedition after he allegedly insulted police on his Web site, an official said Friday.

Police detained Abdul Rashid Abu Bakar under the Sedition Act late Wednesday to question him about a blog entry that he posted last month, said Victor Sanjos, a police official in the Commercial Crimes Investigation Department.

Abdul Rashid defaced the Royal Malaysian Police's logo by replacing its image of a tiger with a dog and indicated in his comments that he believed Chinese criminal gangs controlled police data systems, Sanjos said.

"His comments were very seditious," Sanjos said.

Sanjos indicated police may release Abdul Rashid soon because they need more time to investigate before deciding whether to charge him.

Sedition is punishable by up to three years in prison in Malaysia.

Some of Malaysia's most popular blogs offer strongly anti-government commentaries and present themselves as a substitute for mainstream media, which are controlled by political parties or closely linked to them.

Government officials often criticize bloggers for allegedly spreading false information and inciting hatred toward authorities.

Earlier this year, a well-known blogger, Raja Petra Raja Kamaruddin, was charged with sedition for writing an article that implied the deputy prime minister was involved in a high-profile murder. Raja Petra's trial is scheduled to begin in October. -AP 08.08.2008

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Anwar to be charged on Thursday 07.08.2008 @ 10pm

KUALA LUMPUR: Police on Wednesday served notice to PKR adviser Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim to appear at the Jalan Duta sessions court here at 10am Thursday.

The notice was served at Anwar's house, says his lawyer Sankara Nair.

Deputy Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Ismail Omar confirmed that the police had served Anwar with a written notice requesting he present himself at the Jalan Duta Sessions Court here at 10am Thursday to answer to sodomy charges.

It is learnt that Brickfields CID chief Deputy Supt Jude Pereira served the order on Anwar personally at his house in Bukit Segambut at about 12.15pm Wednesday.

"We carried out our investigations in accordance with the existing laws of our country and forwarded our findings to the Attorney-General's Chambers for their advice.

"The A-G's Chambers has decided to charge Anwar,'' he said.

Anwar is expected to be charged either under Section 377A or Section 377C of the Penal Code.
Section 377A covers carnal intercourse against the order of nature and carries a maximum of 20 years' jail and whipping.

It reads as follows: "Any person who has sexual connection with another person by the introduction of the penis into the anus or mouth of the other person is said to commit carnal intercourse against the order of nature."

Section 377C reads: "Whoever voluntarily commits carnal intercourse against the order of nature on another person without the consent, or against the will, of the other person, or by putting the other person in fear of death or hurt to the person or any other person, shall be punished with imprisonment for a term of not less than five years and not more than 20 years, and shall also be liable to whipping."

Sections 377A and 377C are both non-bailable offences. However, under Section 388 of the Criminal Procedure Code, the court has the discretion to grant bail. -The Star 06.08.2008

BADA-WImps out from attending international conference...

The 54th Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference was held yesterday morning at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre. Foreign dignitaries, invited guests and members of the local and foreign press was punctual to arrive 9.30am to the event according to the function programme as DSAAB was scheduled to arrive at 9.50am to officiate the opening ceremony.

At 10am and late as usual the guest of honour finally arrives. An announcement goes up on the PA and blares the convntion hall, "Ladies and gentlemen, announcing the arrival of the........Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak".........DSNTR???!!! What happened to DSAAB???

Could be seen clearly the disappointment of everyone present at this sudden change of event especially on the faces of the foreign dignitaries and members of the press both local and foreign. Cabinet ministers who were present seem unfazed though so they must have been informed before hand of DSAAB's no show or plainly they just couldn't care less.

Here's some disturbing observation from the conference-

1. Noticeably was the many empty seats in the front first few rows which was supposed to be occupied by our cabinet ministers. Bad enough that no prior announcement was given of the absence of DSAAB, the cabinet ministers as well didn't even bother to show up at this international event........HOW RUDE!!!

DSNTR did however apologise on behalf of DSAAB but didn't state what urgent business of the state that had prevented DSAAB from fulfilling his long standing engagement which would have been finalised well in advance with the Prime Minister's Office!!!

2. According to the programme, the Speaker Tan Sri Pandikar Amin is to deliver a 10 minute speech followed by a 30 minute keynote address by the Prime Minister or in this case the Deputy Prime Minister. What was unusual was the Speaker's speech was much much longer and the keynote address by DSNTR was very very short.

3. The theme for this international get together was "Expanding the Role of Parliament in Global Society : Environment, Development and Security". Good theme I must say but I can guess why DSNTR had nothing much to say in his speech cause in the past five months since the March 8 "political tsunami" which saw the end of Barisan Nasional's 2/3 parliamentary majority and UMNO political hegemony, nothing has been done on "Expanding the Role of Parliament in Malaysian Society" - may it be reforms in general or establishing parliamentary select committee in particular.

4. DSAAB's last minute no show, was it caused by all the slack that has been thrown at his face till he is embarass to attend or fear more slack being thrown at him at the conference. Guess his popularity ratings which has plunged from 91% to an all time low of 42% and getting hit with more crap at this international event will definately do him no good but opting not to show up just solidifies the fact that he ia a leader of no calibre and weak........What a WIMP!!!

But the most disturbing observation among all would be the fact that did the 600 foreign delegates and their spouses, and some local Commonwealth Parliamentary Association members were looking and thinking that they are viewing some one who is hounded by allegations of involvement in the murder of Mongolian beauty Altantuya Shaariibu........

.........could actually be Malaysia's next PRIME MINISTER!!!

Monday, August 4, 2008

UMNO-PAS merger just to gain the 2/3 majority in Parliament, why it won't make things better...

Recent hot topic has been the possibility of an UMNO-PAS merger. The reason for this proposed merger or cooperation is cause both once rival parties have finally realise that they have become weak and not the propaganda that they are promoting of the need for Malay unity.

PAS has won more seats in Parliament yhan ever before and has even won administration over the state of Kedah but it is the weakest party in the opposition coalition or the Pakatan Rakyat. This cannot be what PAS was expecting when it decided to tone down its Islamic State ambition in order to join up with DAP and PKR. I am sure PAS has always wanted to succeed UMNO in being the dominant and ruling Malay party in Malaysia but it has gone all pear shaped for them despite a good showing in the recent 2008 general election, it is not even a dominant party in the opposition coalition...Hahaha!!!

As for UMNO, DSAAB must not have been amused with their failure of not getting the 2/3 majority in Parliament therefore is unable to revise amendments to the constitution or worst, to introduce his own amendments. As the 2008 general election has shown DSAAB that he is weak, to make matters worst his coalition partners do not show much respect for him. Then getting a telling to by our DYMM on the Menteri Besar appointment issue didn't do his leadership ratings much good either.

I light of this, the proposed cooperation between UMNO-PAS might just be a way for DSAAB to gain his 2/3 majority and for PAS to be amongst the big boys. What's the scary part of this all is DSAAB might offer a second Deputy Prime Minister post to PAS president, Abdul Hadi Awang and some ministership to other PAS leaders just to 'angkat bola' and smoothen the merger transition. Some sweeteners are definately needed, hmmm.....

But even so, I am sure DSAAB will face strong oppositions from coalition partners like MCA, Gerakan and MIC. Neither would Sabah and Sarawak coalition partners take a liking at such a cooperation happening. This will lead to an even more shaky UMNO as its members will not relish the thought thatsome high ranking ministerial post will be given to their erstwhile rivals.

Such a coalition will give DSAAB his much desired 2/3 majority and provide a doorway for PAS to be in the government but it is not likely going to please the electorate. Main concern of the Rakyat in a whole is with the weak leadership of DSAAB. With the participation of PAS in BN with DSAAB leading it will not make him stronger and smarter leader. He will still be the same old lame duck Badawimp but now with the power of the 2/3 majority. Now that is damn frightening thought!!!

The said coperation won't do much good or PAS either accept the fact that they achieve their life long ambition of being one of the ruling party in the government. In the end their fate will be the same as way back then when they cooperated with the old UMNO, they have no say, no power and are discarded into the corner. They will suffer more limitations to their Islamic State preaching and this will not go down easy with its leaders and members alike. In the end I foresee the leaders and members of PAS will jump ship or form a new party and this will weaken the already weak PAS, hence weaken BN, UMNO, DSAAB and the government as well. The net gainer of this all will be none other than DSAI and PKR.

"I believe Malay unity is not a matter of Malay political parties embracing each other. Malay unity should be entrusted to politically uncommited Malays. Neither UMNO nor PAS have the credibility for this task. PAS has already laid down conditions. If UMNO accepts these conditions it will lose its non-Malay partners. On the other hand if PAS gives up its stated views on hudud and qisas etc it will lose the support of its followers" -Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad

A compromise will definately be worked out between them but it may have already raised doubts and supporters of both parties would have already lose faith in their leaders. These are the dilemma faced by the cooperation or merger of UMNO-PAS.

Doesn't DSAAB understand that to strengthen back UMNO and BN, and to restore confidence of the Rakyat back to the government is just darn simple...RESIGN!!! And please please don't name DSNTR to take over. That C4 planting, anal loving, mistress murderer is just as useless and lame.

Guess the Rakyat's dream of a leader who is not influenced by his or his families' greed and the wilingness to sacrifice for the mutual good of the nation will most probably just remain what it is...a dream. In my opinion I would say that since we most probably can't realise that dream so the next best thing would be Rais Yatim or even Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah. Both would be even better, one as the PM and one as DPM.

The system we have in Malaysia has worked for past nation leaders for more than 50 years already. That shows that it is not the failure of the system but it is the failure of the present leadership to make the system work.

Solution : DSAAB must GO...!!!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Students 'grill' the PM!!!

KUALA LUMPUR: Yesterday Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi address a large group of college and university students at a hotel here.

The Prime Minister made full use of the weekend opportunity as he stressed on the importance of maintaining national unity.

“I grew up in a 100% Malay environment but when I went to school, I made a lot of friends of all races.

“I used to go to my Chinese friend's house and his mother would ask me, 'Abdullah, lu ciak liao?' which means 'have you eaten?'“ Abdullah said, recalling his younger days.

He also took questions from the floor at the session. The following is an excerpt of the Q&A session:

Question: Since it is our generation which will become the country's future leaders, are we in your opinion on schedule to achieve Vision 2020?

Abdullah answered: If our growth can be maintained at 6%, then we are on schedule. But now we may not achieve 6% because of the increase in fuel prices. We have allocated lots of money to achieve this but now the prices of building materials have also gone up steeply and this has also affected our development budget. There is inflation and the rakyat is certainly not happy. Such is the situation at the moment. But we have to continue to fight.

(It is known to the Rakyat already that we produce high RON quality oil and export our quality oil and import lower RON grade oil for the consumption of the nation. This trade has always created a surplus for our nation's budget. So as the world fuel price continues to escalate it actually helps our budget deficit cause Malaysia stands to earn more. The only thing that is effecting our country's development is him and a bad case of mis-manage of funds. Just an example of the top of my head, sending a Malaysian to space. Sending the Malaysian so said to be astronaut to space and spending millions of our Rakyat's money, what does DSAAB expects to achieve from this?!!! All to enchance the spirit of Malaysia Boleh??? Come on la, that fellow didn't do squat!!! Just sat there and be pretty while the other really astronauts did everything...classic case of DSAAB's thick faced tumpang glamour!!! Then when the space donkey came back what happens?? Our government gives him the 'DATUK' title. What the f**k did that fellow do except spend our country's money!!! The millions should have been spend on the Rakyat's and Malaysia's welfare not for some joy riding in orbit!!!

"There is inflation and the Rakyat is certainly not happy"...Duuhhh!!! Don't think it takes rocket science to figure that out. DSAAB should have continued on this and maybe touch on some future plans or measures the government will be taking to overcome this. Oh wait, my bad...DSAAB can't do that cause he doesn't know sh*t.)

Q: There are some irresponsible politicians out there making irresponsible statements. What is your view on this?

DSAAB: We hear from both sides of the political divide about irresponsible politicians – from the Government and the Opposition, too. But we have to comment through replies in Parliament and via our manifesto. ... We must keep on reminding everyone that if they want Malaysia to be a country that is peaceful, there must be restraint. We have to be moderate and we hope that there will be people who will listen and remind others that this is what we want to do.

(DSAAB should have save time and just said that Malaysian politicians and ministers may it be government or opposition are just plain dumb and words that come out from their mouth are generated not from their brains but from their fat corrupted stinking arse.)

Q: To be honest, the civil service does not seem to be very colour blind. Do you have any plans to review the civil service?

DSAAB: I know you're not happy with the situation that seems to have more Malays. We're now progressively making a lot of changes to be more representative in the nation's civil service. We're also aware that there may not be enough non-Malays at certain levels.
But today, we have created a mechanism, for instance, the anti-inflation council. We ensure that we have members from the private sector, who are non-Malays from high executive positions, to participate in the council. We want the council to be multi-racial.

(He actually is making progress to change the race difference in the nation's civil service, now there is only 1 race left eligible to apply and get a job there. Well done Badawimp, you're not a complete failure after all. You manage to rid of all other races from the nation's civil service. An achievement not accomplish by any past PM.

Then he talks bout an inflation council. Gosh, students talking bout the government department offices and he talks about a council. Stop going out of topic to save your behind DSAAB, be a man if you are and stop diverting attention. Multi-racial council indeed, he forgot to mention it'll be 70% Malays, 10% Chinese, 10% Indians and 10% his posse's friends and relatives!!!)

Q: How do you feel about the promises that you have made to us but haven't kept?

DSAAB: My intention is to implement what I promised. When I introduced my manifesto in 2004, that manifesto outlined many things. It's not only for the first five years but meant to go on right up to Vision 2020. We've started (working) on it, and we're determined to achieve the objectives, the law and mechanisms that need to be introduced, this has to be done. I'm aware that the reform of the judiciary and the ACA has not been done.

That was one of the promises I made. For the commission of the ACA, that has been decided upon. The subject will be debated in the next Parliament session and I hope that it will get the okay from Parliament. At the same time, the introduction of the Judicial Commission has been announced and it was one of the things we wished to do.

The reform of the police force has already started but we still have one or two more things that we need to look into, so we'll continue with that. The reform of the financial and education sectors has already started. There are challenges we have to face. I've chosen a very important agenda, which is transparency and accountability.

It is not easy because you have to change people's attitudes, you have to inculcate new values and make social changes because it is important for the future of Malaysia.

(He says that the judiciary and ACA reform has not been done. He is wrong. Both mentioned has already been the BADAWIMP and CRONIES way!!! The 2 departments will do every bidding from them. So I do pity Anwar and the trial of his sodomy case, he is gonna get SCREWED!!! Guess what wise men have alsways said, 'What goes around comes around'.

As for DSAAB's call for transperency and accountability...HAHAHA!!! The DSAAB government will only be as transparent and clear as the Sarawak River, brown, crap smelling, garbage filled and under all that murky-ness there is a 'buaya' just waiting to gobble up the Rakyat.)

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Rakyat's poll of the Badawimp administration...

1. For the first time, Abdullah’s popularity has plunged from a record high of 91 per cent in November 2004 to 61 per cent in January 2008 (just before the March 8 general election), down to 53 per cent in April 2008. With the unchecked free-fall in the past three months, Abdullah’s popularity rating has crashed below 50% in the latest survey to 42%.

2. The popular “satisfaction” quotient with the Barisan Nasional federal government has also fallen below 50%, with 54 per cent either “somewhat dissatisfied” or “very dissatisfied” with the Barisan Nasional government, while 44 per cent said they were either “very satisfied” or “somewhat satisfied”.

3. Only half of the respondents agree that the leaders in the Barisan Nasional government understand what the ordinary people are going through – with 16% for “strongly agree” and 34 per cent for “somewhat agree” while 47% polled negative (18% for “strongly disagree” and 29% for “somewhat disagree”); and 3% for “Don’t know”.

4. Asked on satisfaction with Umno “as a political party in reflecting the aspirations and needs of the people of Malaysia”, there was a resounding “No” from 58% of the respondents (25% “Very dissatisfied” and 33% “Somewhat dissatisfied”), with positive response only from 36% (10% “Very satisfied” and 26% “Somewhat satisfied”). There was 5% “Don’t know” and 1% “No response”.

5. On whether Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak would make a good prime minister, there was another resounding “No”, with 47% negative responses (21% “Strongly disagree” and “26% somewhat disagree”) as against 34% positive response (8% “Strong agree” and 26% “somewhat agree”). There were 17% responses for “Don’t know” and 2% for “No response.”

6. In November 2006, 72% expressed satisfaction “with the way thing are going in the country at present”. This has plunged to 63% in December 2007, 66% just before the March 8 general election, 44% in May and a dismal 28% in July 2008.

7. In October 2006, 59% viewed the economy favourably. This has plunged to 24% in July 2008. In Oct. 2008, 49% viewed favourably the “current economic conditions compared to three years ago”. This has plunged to 19% in July 2008. In Oct. 2006, 57% favourably “expected the economy to be one year from now”. This has plunged to 20% in July 2008.

8. 55 percent of the respondents do not believe the sodomy allegations leveled against Anwar. Only 11 percent believed in the allegations, while 26 percent said they did not know if the claims were true. Eight percent gave no response.

9. Two-thirds, or 66 percent, of the respondents believed that the accusations against Anwar Ibrahim were politically motivated.

10. The majority of the respondents polled showed that they have no confidence that the judiciary, the Attorney-General’s Chambers and the police would carry out their roles in handling Anwar’s Sodomy II case in a fair and independent manner – i.e. 50% against the judiciary, 53% against the Attorney-General and 55% against the Police.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Petrol price expected to go down from Sept 1

PUTRAJAYA: The price of petrol prices is expected to go down on Sept 1 following a Government decision to float pump prices according to world gasoline prices.

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi said in a statement Friday that the Government had fixed the subsidy to 30 sen per litre and will not increase the price to more than the present RM2.70 per litre this year.

The new price for petrol will be decided on the first of every month from now on. It will be based on prices of gasoline and not crude oil.

However, the new move does not cover the prices and subsidy for diesel, which is about 80 sen per litre.

According to analysts, the Government’s move shows that it anticipates a drop in world oil prices especially after the Beijing Olympics.

They said this would also ease inflationary pressure on the country’s economy thus enabling Bank Negara not to increase the interest rate.

World gasoline price was at US$129.19 per litre Friday. If the Government were to readjust the petrol prices immediately, pump prices will go down by 6 sen. -The Star (01.08.2008)

What can I say, not bad that DSAAB has the intention to lower the retail fuel price by a whooping 6 sen after increasing it from RM1.91 to RM2.69 per litre. Does DSAAB thinks that after the increase of RM0.78 and now a decrease of 6 sen will win the heart of the Rakyat back. Is he challenging our Malaysian public's intelligence???
Come on DSAAB, you gotta do better than that. We're not as stupid and cheap as you think just because you are. 6 sen...SHEESH!!!

Malaysian Politics vocab...

Words Malaysians can incorporate into their daily lives:

"Anwarized" - meaning: To get back-stabbed.. Eg. People who have been anwarized may contact the DPM's hotline

" Badawized" - meaning: To be stupified ...........Eg. Malaysians seem to be badawized by the media which reports biased news

"Najibbed" - meaning: To be blown to bits .....Eg. In this country, you better be careful with what you say, you can be najibbed otherwise.

"Petrad" - meaning: To be exposed ...........Eg. Lately the BN coalition has been petraded in many ways

"KayJayed" - meaning: To shout for no reason Eg. He kayjayed in the Dewan and appeared like a moron

"Balaed" - meaning: To vanish suddenly Eg. They opposition balaed from the meeting in protest

"Lingamed" - meaning: To repeat redundantly Eg. The Information Minister lingamed the same rubbish in the debate recently.

"Soileked" - meaning: To be caught on tape Eg. People have stopped using budget hotels as they are afraid of being soileked.

A short Malaysian fiction:-

Altantuya was cold bloodedly najibbed after she attempted to petra Najib for anwarising her and not making the promised payments.

Razak was badawized into covering up for Najib while Najib balaed from the scene. Razak was actually anwarized.

However Najib lingamed that he had nothing to do with it and has been kayjaying on the topic in an attempt to prove his innocence.

Nevertheless, some quarters have been threatening that they have soileked evidence that Najib was involved.

chai pasak