To all politicians and ministers.....


Wednesday, July 30, 2008

UMNO-PAS talks - Repudiation of transformational message of March 8 "Political Tsunami"

In the United States, Senator Barack Obama’s nomination as the Democratic Presidential nominees heralds a new milestone in American nation-building and race relations but in Malaysia, the UMNO proposal for Umno-PAS talks marks a regression in Malaysian nation-building and the Vision 2020 objective of a Bangsa Malaysia.

The latter repudiates March 8 “political tsunami” where for the first time in half-a-century of nationhood, Malaysians transcended race, religion and political affiliation to vote for change to give primacy and priority to justice, freedom, solidarity, integrity and progress.
The March 8 “political tsunami” marks a bold and visionary stride forward by Malaysians to rise above their communal selves to reach out to a common national identity.

It is a great tragedy if the transformational message of March 8 to stride forward to a new politics of justice, freedom, solidarity, integrity and progress is nullified by a throwback to the old, narrow and divisive politics of race, religion and class. - Lim Kit Siang

I’m all for the Bangsa Malaysia objective. We are a unique country of many race and religion but aren’t we are all Malaysians may we be Chinese, Indians, Bumiputeras, Muslim or Malay if they like. We, the Rakyat is who that makes Malaysia, Malaysia and I sure hope that those extremist politicians will not forget that. We are the ones that voted them there (albeit with regret now) and are paying for their obscenely high salary thru our taxes so we are also the ones that can still take it away from them.

As the issue of race and religion is very sensitive, I do hope that the ministers and politicians will be more careful in their dealings. We do not want any discrimination issue to arise as that will have very serious repercussions. To the 2 parties involved, please be a little smarter. Ignorance is not an acceptable excuse for being stupid.

Remember this equation :-
Chinese + Muslims + Indians + Bumiputeras = Rakyat = MALAYSIA


chai pasak