To all politicians and ministers.....


Sunday, November 16, 2008

Strong Dayak winds in Sarawak sending shivers up Taib's arse!!!

Ngemah state representative, Gabriel Adit along with former PRS Balleh division publicity chief Beginda Minda and 12,000 Sarawakians have applied to join Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim's Parti Keadilan Rakyat or PKR.

Their application forms were submitted to the PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim at a huge dinner gathering in Sibu which saw more than 4,000 people in attendance. During his speech at the function, Adit, a four term assemblyperson, told the crowd that the main reason for joining PKR was due to the "political castration" of the Dayak under the BN state government.

"Enough is enough of BN. Now change is coming to Sarawak." he said, adding that there are many BN members waiting to join PKR.

The Dayak community of Sarawak are disgruntled with the BN government's management (maybe mismanagement is more of a right word) of native customary rights land.
This land rights issue has been going on for quite some time now. Groans and moans from the Dayaks of being short changed or forced out from their land by the government is an everyday norm here in Sarawak. Some more intelligent once will make it known publicly and some not so fortunate ones doesn't even know that they've been had till it's too late to do anything about it.
Now with PKR and people like Adit fighting for them, we do hope that the Dayaks will finally get what they deserve being one of the true natives of this land of the Hornbills.

Former PRS Balleh division publicity chief Beginda Minda joining up with PKR will add even more strength and dimension to the party here in Sarawak. This feistly fella resembles the spicy pepper that Sarawak is famous for. He was forced to leave the state BN component party following his bold call for the Chief Minister and his 2 deputies to step down.

Over the years under the same Chief Minister and BN administration, we Sarawakians are not spared from the marginalisation, poverty, oppression and discriminations as faced by our counterparts in other states. It is a plague that is killing Malaysia slowly and must be rid of as soon as possible. Failure to adhere to these dictator ministers then consequences such as lost of job, tenders and projects, you will have to bear. Now with the 12,000 new PKR members with a promise of more to come the government will not think that they can always have their way and get away with things like they have grown use to over the past 20 years or so.

News of such turn out in support of PKR must have ruined Chief Minister and long time UMNO suck up, Taib Mahmud's weekend. Honestly, don't think majority of Sarawakians will pity Taib at all. This white haired demon and his family has been sucking Sarawak and its people dry all these years and it is time for him to go.

"Good riddance Pehin, sorry but we won't miss you....."

It is time for the people of Sarawak to unite and fight for our rights as Sarawakians. It is time to fight to ensure that the 'Burung Kenyalang' will forever fly free from the racist and oppressive UMNO and BN.

Ngelaban Sarawak, NGELABAN!!!

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