To all politicians and ministers.....


Thursday, November 27, 2008

“To Fatwa or not to Fatwa??!!!”

The very free nothing else better to do National Fatwa Council recently issued an edict banning Muslims in Malaysia against the exercise of ‘Yoga’. This edict comes after their ban of ‘tomboyism’ just not too long ago.

Yes, that is exactly how free they are. Reason for the ban on yoga according to these wise Muslims is because yoga originated and contains Hinduism elements (bad news for Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak…..Hehe!!!). They fear that continous practice of yoga would sway the beliefs of Muslims practicing it. Fatwa wise men should have some faith and give credit to their fellow Muslims. Muslims are known to be religiously strong minded and don’t think stretching and breathing exercises will corrupt their beliefs in any way. Those that are religiously weak then not only yoga will sway them from their religious teaching, so will everything else. Then what is the Fatwa going to do??? Ban everything or confine them to house arrest in the mosque???

The National Fatwa Council is like the parliament for Islam religion in Malaysia. They are the politicians of Islam that think up the do’s and don’t’s for Muslims in this country. They have come up with some acceptable and reasonable laws in this country for all Muslims to adhere to but some are just plain stupid. This yoga ban is a fine example of their idiocy. Pity for the Muslims in this country for having morons determining what they can do and cannot do.

Over the past many years, the National Fatwa Council have grown from strength to strength as they passed laws regarding to Islam without any objection or rejection from the country’s leaders, ministers and community alike. Reason for this obedience is the fear of being branded as un-Muslim. In view of this the Fatwa Council, since no one dares to question them, have taken for granted their power by passing laws according to their definition and disregarding the views and opinions of their fellow Muslims.

However, after being so used to having their way, they must have forgot a clause in the Constitution of Malaysia which states that the King is the head of religion in this country. The King is the one that can choose to approve or reject whatever cuckoo laws those goons cook up. In past years the Royalty has always decided to be silent and take the back seat in regards to the administration, laws and policies whether civil or Islamic most probably cause of the fear as being tagged a too radical Islam.

With the recent reminder to the National Fatwa Council about who is the actual boss of the Islam religion in Malaysia and not just make up laws as they please without first running them through with the Ruler’s Council, is a welcome sign that the King and Sultans in this country has finally flexed their muscles. The Fatwa Coucil this time must have pushed their luck a little too far and passed one religious law too many.

The sudden involvement of the Royal Rulers is a breath of fresh air filling up the vacuum of leadership left by weak political Executives running this country. Maybe and hopefully with the Rulers regaining prominence after such a long spell in the shadow of silence, we shall see Bolehland returning to some sensible and normalcy democracy.

1 comment:

  1. ayoo tamby..this yoga is small matters...they cant proceed with hudud case for the muslims..zina should be stoned to death priority demand bya islam..stealing in any manners to chopped off as requested by god this is the most important than that taik palat kes, since malasie is muslim majority... islam is tha main religion, beside others ecthenic groupa and belief, for muslims we should have ownself choices either be punished by civil or syariah court.. malsie i believed nota truthly faithfully muslims country..all all to be doomed into hell after..


chai pasak