To all politicians and ministers.....


Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Yoga 'haram' in Sarawak

I'm so saddened to read in the papers that Muslims in Sarawak has been banned from practicing yoga. It's so sad, just so so sad that a healthy and relaxing practice of breathing and stretching exercises can be miscontrued by the idiotic National Fatwa Council.

Even more heart breaking is the fact that our state has agreed with their views. Seems like Sarawak now has become a wimp state pleasing and adhering to every whine and cries. Feels like with each passing year Sarawak has lost its identity and 'ngelaban' spirit. We have become the 'Government say shit standing up then we shit standing up la' people. Since when did we become so weak and dependable on the Government that has been taking our natural resources from our land and giving us chump change in return.

Apa dah jadi wahai anak-anak Sarawak???

Under the Taib administration almost 30 years, the state and federal government has been chopping down our trees, stealing our land and sucking our oil dry. The ones that benefitted from all this years of looting, not the people of Sarawak that's for sure.

Self denial and closing our eyes from seeing this reality isn't going to make things better and make the problems disappear. It is high time we took destiny into our owns hands.....


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