To all politicians and ministers.....


Friday, October 10, 2008

It's kiss ass time!!!

Only 5 years and 5 months (come March 2009) ago Malaysia experienced a change in its leadership. Tun Mahathir's administration came to an end and began the administration of Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.

Come March 2009, Malaysia once again will go through the Premiership change as Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi steps down and gives way to Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.

What can be expected of the DSNTR administration???

Pretty much the same old crap la.

Of course there will be changes like in the Government's policies and reforms but basically it is just a change of name with the same results, the enrichment of the PM and his fellow cronies. The Rakyat as always will suffer the get rich scheme of these politicians. So what's new right.....

This might be new, the introduction of the new ISA C4 unit. Their purpose, to stick a pack of C4 explosives up your ass if you are deemed a threat to the PM and cronies job security. The detonator, nah, not Najib. Most probably the pleasure on pushing the button will be given to his wife. At least like this we can't say that she do nothing like DSAAB's wife, Jeanne, apart from just standing and smiling beside the hubby, she doesn't do anything else.

Advice for Khairi Jamaluddin, you'd better stop making so much noise and cause ripples just because your father-in-law is still the PM now. 5 months will come and go so quickly that by the time you step up to the post of UMNO Youth Chief your father-in-law would be stepping down already and then you will be step on all over. Poor fella, this time he can't go sobbing to his daddy-in-law.....Muahaha!!!

For those who wanna get into the good graces of the incoming PM, you may and better start kissing his ass and carrying his old wrinkled dangling balls now.

Get in queue now, don't miss the bandwagon. The well known 'Yes' men 'Muakz Muakz' ass kissing ministers I'm sure has already taken their number and patiently waiting their turn lo.

All the politicians have nothing to complain about though. Think they are some what happy and relieved la for it is not Anwar that's next to be the PM. If not they'll have to learn a whole new ball game or should I say.....a whole new anal game.....Hehehe!!!

Ministers - Najib ok la, maybe ass a bit more smelly smelly la but no problem. Kiss ass and 'angkat bola' only ma. Dah buat bertahun-tahun, dah biasa. If Anwar susah oh, kiss ass he don't like. He 'ai tong ka cheng kang eh ah'.....PAIN PAIN AH!!!

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