To all politicians and ministers.....


Saturday, October 18, 2008

Please heed this advice - Wash first always!!!

This is something that really happened to a woman in North Texas that went for a weekend boating trip which turned fatal for her.

Her normal routine before going to her boat for the weekend getaway she would usually do her shopping to stock up on fresh and canned goods. As what most of us would do, she chilled the canned stuff in the refrigerator on the boat.

Come Monday, this woman was admitted into the hospital and was placed in the Intensive Care Unit. She died the following Wednesday. You may think this is about the health damaging canned products but it is not. This is about a simple basic cleanliness and healthy habit that is always commonly neglected and can be fatal.

Her autopsy concluded she died of a Leptospirosis disease. At this point you might be thinking hey, I don't have that disease so there's no need to worry.

Well, Leptospirosis disease you may not have now but it may be transmitted through dried rat urine. The rat's urine whether still liquid or dried contains many forms of toxic and deadly substances. So how was the woman infected by the disease? Simple, she had a soft drink straight from the can without washing it and the can had dried rat pee comtaminated with the disease germs. So if you plan to have soft drink straight from the can please make sure you wash it cleanly before consumption.

Sorry, I beg to differ. Not only wash soft drink cans but also all other cans of food and drinks. A study ay NYCU showed that most canned goods are more contaminated with germs and bacteria than public toilets. These can goods are all stored in warehouses before being transported to supermarkets before being purchased by consumers and has not been washed at all. So before consuming or stocking canned products please do wash them thoroughly first.

Blame can't be put on the manufactures and retailers so you can't sue them if you or your family is infected. Guess to blame would be the Americans with their slang and refer to toilets as cans so probably the rodents just didn't know better.....

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