To all politicians and ministers.....


Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Joke of the day...

I'm sure most if not all of us have at least seen once or twice the Prime Minister's 'Selamat Hari Raya' address to the nation aired on Astro recently.

What an embarrassing address it was!!! It was like something out of a low budget horror movie gone horribly wrong. It's a wonder if the Prime Minister could look anymore lame than that. Enthusiasm was lacking till it made the mood so sombre that I thought he was reading an eulogy for a funeral. He even had trouble putting words together into proper sentences. Either that or he had trouble reading the dialogue card was I'm sure was prepared and made available for the old geezer.

His wife quietly and patiently accompanying him through out the address stood there by his side. You would have thought she was part of the cheap backdrop done up for the PM's address (then again maybe she is.....Haha!!!) if not for her fake smile and occcasional movement. Credit should be given though cause at least she put in some effort to look enthusiastic about the coming Hari Raya than her half dead looking sorry excuse for a Prime Minister hubby.....

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