To all politicians and ministers.....


Friday, September 19, 2008

8x8 concrete box...

Today, 19th September 2008, marks the 1st week anniversary of Raja Petra Kamaruddin's arrest on the 12th September 2008 under the ISA.

Marina Lee Abdullah, RPK's wife, and her 2 daughters were allowed to visis RPK on the 16th September 2008 at 11am. That is about 4 days after the arrest.

Here are some of what RPK had to say about his detention under the ISA as narrated by Marina;
  • RPK has been sleeping on the floor on a wooden platform without any pillow or bedding and his cell is a windowless 8x8 concrete box.
  • RPK id drawn and drained but still alert.
  • RPK has lost weight and his sugar level has dropped from 8 to 4.
  • RPK has not eaten much as the food supplied there is such that even his cats would refuse to eat it.
  • RPK is very tired from the frequent interrogations.
  • RPK said they will harrass him at all hours of the day and night.
  • Sometimes they will just come to RPK's cell every half hourly, look into his cell by opening the loud clicking peep hole just to keep him awake.
  • RPK has been interogated on all his articles and has been mocked for not living like a proper Muslim.

During Marina's whole visit, she and the husband was recorded by video the whole time. There was also the presents of 2 officers inside the visiting room.

It is saddening to hear that this true Malaysian is being treated like an armed and dangerous terrorist while under the ISA detention. It is hard to imagine the physcological emotion of Marina having to see her husband in such a state.

We should all give thanks and salute Marina for being brave and strong, willingfully, never complained or ever holding back RPK in his quest to fight for justice and rights of the Rakyat by opening our eyes and minds of this corrupted and racist present Government. Let us all mention Marina Lee Abdullah in our prayers.

The ISA as we now was drawn up during communist insurgent times and was only to be used against such terrorist or anyone who has intention to topple the Government by force. So what grounds does ISA have in detaining RPK as he is none of the above mentioned?!!

The call for the ISA to be abolished or ammended has once again fallen on the deaf ears of the Government led by DSAAB. Just a simple addition or clause is needed that the ISA should and can never be used on civillians.

As proven by the recent spate of arrests, the ISA is nothing but a constitutionally legal weapon of the Government that they may and will misuse and abuse its power to counter any individuals who are against them.

ISA.....the licensed power abusing Gestapo Mafia of the Government!!!

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