To all politicians and ministers.....


Tuesday, September 23, 2008

'Well wishes' card for RPK

On Monday night, 22nd September 2008, Malaysia Today editor Raja Petra Kamarudin was served with an order of detention in Kamunting for 2 years under the Internal Security Act (ISA).

A man with nothing but the balls to put truths into writings on his blog is incarcerated using an act that was drawn up for communists and terrorists.

Starting today we mourn the demise of justice, freedom and rule of law in our country but let us get together, cheer and celebrate RPK, the man who dared to stand up and expose the truth regardless of his own well being.

To his wife, Marina Lee Abdullah and family, we wish you the best and may you be strong through these trying times. We pray that you all will be blessed with good health and may RPK be released soon.

So as of today onwards till the 12th of October (actual day that RPK was detained under the ISA), that day being the 1st full month of RPK detention, I shall send him a well wishes card. Those who want to do likewise may send your cards to;

Y.M. Raja Petra Kamarudin
Tempat Tahanan Perlindungan,
34009 Kamunting, Taiping,
Perak, Malaysia.

or you may sign mine by putting your name (nickname advised) and location (eg: city, town, state) on this blog or on FaceBook (just click on link) in the comment column. Feel free to add your personal message if you have any and I will compile them and mail it to RPK.

Lets show our support to RPK everybody by showing him our signatures that we have not forgotten about him.....

1 comment:

  1. hi there, I'd like to sign your card.

    Name: Sharyn Shufiyan (I rather not use a nickname)

    Location: Currently Wellington, New Zealand

    Message: Dear Raja Petra, I admire your courage and salute your intellect. We need more and more people like you, to stand up against our government and urge them to move forward, to challenge and to take action. Your words travel far, and you have many supporters. What they're doing to you is draconian. I wish you and your family well.


chai pasak