To all politicians and ministers.....


Monday, September 1, 2008

Anwar Ibrahim - next PM of Malaysia???

Firstly, congrats to DSAI for such a kick ass, egg in your face win over BN in the Permatang Pauh by-election. Garnering more than 31 thousand votes and winning by a thumping fifteen thousand plus majority is quite an achievement. Clearly the people of Permatang Pauh desires change and change is what they are gonna get.

"It is a significant victory for the Pakatan Rakyat philosophy of democracy, justice, racial equality, freedom of religion, rule of law and transparency."

"This is particularly galling to UMNO to see that their traditional Malay ground has rejected their policy of Ketuanan Melayu, corruption and cronyism."

"The people have spoken. Anwar is THE ONE. He will lead the country to a new Malaysia of democracy, justice, rule of law and equal opportunity for all." -Dr. Chen Man Hin

There has been lots of congratulatory words and well wishes to DSAI for his success and now has taken a giant step towards maybe becoming Malaysia's next Prime Minister.

But before everyone gets too excited and starts putting the bullock cart in front of the bull, lets take time to make some considerations.

Hasn't all Prime Ministers to be hopefuls has all promised us the same things...what makes DSAI so different from the pass PM???

The Pakatan Rakyat philosophy of democracy, justice, racial equality, freedom of religion, rule of law and transparency sounds good doesn't it but if I'm not mistaken, one of Pakatan Rakyat component party is PAS. The party that has since its establishment been bitching for a Islam state for Malaysia and implementing the 'Hudud Laws' into our society.

PAS, now with the Pakatan Rakyat coalition ever closer to succeeding BN as the new ruling coalition, I am sure they are even more insistant of their leaders preaching and vision. Regards to this it will be interesting to see how the new Pakatan Rakyat government will be able to keep their promise of racial equality, freedom of religion and the abolishment of Ketuanan Melayu.

Equal opportunity for all and what does this imply to?? Is the new Pakatan Rakyat under DSAI leadership gonna abolish the NEP, open all universities in Malaysia so Bumiputera's will not have any admission privelleges, civil servants intakes will be more open and no favouritism will be given, projects and tenders will be open to all and the "Bumiputera only" status to be gone with???

There are more other race discrimination issues so when it was said of democracy, justice, racial equality, freedom of religion, rule of law, transparency and such does it not mean abolishment of such double standards of Bumiputera favouritism or to be more precise, Malay privelleges.....

Will Anwar be any different from DSAAB once he takes office, or will he just be like the one before him, inital talk and promise of equality but end up another totalirian dictator.....

It is great to see DSAAB, DSNTR and BN getting slapped around in the recent general and by-election but lets just not pop the champagne first. DSAI still has to become the Prime Minister first to bring any change to the country and society, and that is barring he hasn't been bullshitting about it just to get elected...

Only time will tell and it might be a welcomed change as I'm sure we are all just so fed up of the present government that we are willing to take a roll of the dice and just cross our fingers.....

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