To all politicians and ministers.....


Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Silence, is smart at times...

In a news article published in The Star on 08.09.2008, the UMNO Youth has questioned the "deafening silence" from the bar council, NGOs and bloggers over plans by Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim to woo Barisan Nasional MPs to crossover.

Its secretary, Datuk Abdul Rahman Dahlan, has come out to say that the people should tell DSAI that it is morally wrong to grab power.

Morals?!! Since when has there been any morals in politics let alone in UMNO or BN itself. The dumb dude has got no idea what he is talking about. Just saying things for the sake of talking then talking nonsence is not intelligent at all.

Under the BN ruled government led by UMNO, the people's rights to freedom of speech and expression, freedom of the press and media, rights to equally regardless of race or religion, has all been oppressed. Where is the moral in that???

DSAI and the people's desire to end such oppression is indeed the moral thing to do, you stupid brainless dim wit.

It is the un-moral thing to do what the BN party coalition members are doing, just staying put to gain personal wealth in DSAAB retarded, corrupted government as the Rakyat suffers and the country wilts away in mismanagement.

He then continued to say that if Sept 16 occurs, he won't be surprised to see if Barisan supporters took to the streets to challenge the legitamacy of the Pakatan Rakyat government formed through undemocratic means. Bloody double standard again isn't it. They can do this but others if even attempt to show dissatisfaction in the street will have to face the wrath of the ISA.

Undemocratic?? If Pakatan Rakyat secures enough numbers of defection, by means within the constitution and laws of Malaysia, then what is so undemocratic bout that??? There is a reason for such a clause in our democratic constitution and laws of our country. It is to safe guard the Rakyat and country against mismanaging governments.

But then it'll be all talk only as usual from the BN hypocrites cause if Sept 16 happens then they will not be the ruling party anymore in the government and they don't have the balls to do nuts. What these goons will do is take to the streets and walk over to the other side and join the Pakatan.


A democratic country is where the government is a government "of laws and not of men"!!!

The Datukshit also commented that he was surprised at the silence of the United States who usually champions the importance of democracy to the world. Doesn't he remember that not too long ago it was his seniors that told the US to shut up. So now the US keeps quite and he mocks them for their silence???

There is also this comment by the Deputy Minister of Energy, Water and Telecommunications Datuk Joseph Salang saying that if Sept 16 occurs is likened to a 'political robbery'.

Eh...then what about the BN's robbery of our basic human rights, the rights to freedom of speech, the rights to equality opportunity for the Chinese and the Indians.....???

This DSAAB government along with all its existing component party MPs and ministers has just got to go. There are all nothing but a bunch of weak flip flop butt kissing jackasses.

There is an old saying....."If you ain't got anything smart to say then the intelligent thing to do is to just SHUT UP!!!"

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